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时间:2022-03-19        点击:

报告题目:Effective Action, Spectrum and First Law of Wedge Holography

报 告 人:苗荣欣


报告地点:Zoom 838 4323 7956


In this talk, we discuss the effective action, the mass spectrum and the first law of entanglement entropy for a novel doubly holographic model called wedge holography. First, we work out the effective action of quantum gravity on the branes, which is given by a higher derivative gravity. We provide evidence that the effective higher derivative gravity on the brane is equivalent to a ghost-free multi-gravity. We also prove that the effective action yields the correct Weyl anomaly. Interestingly, although the effective action on the brane is an infinite tower of higher derivative gravity, the holographic Weyl anomaly is the same as that of Einstein gravity. Second, we analyze the mass spectrum of wedge holography. Remarkably, there is a massless mode of gravitons on the end-of-the-world branes with Neumann boundary condition. On the other hand, the massless mode disappears if one imposes Dirichlet boundary condition on one of the branes as in brane world theory and AdS/BCFT. Finally, we verify the first law of entanglement entropy for wedge holography. Interestingly, the massive fluctuations are irrelevant to the first-order perturbation of the holographic entanglement entropy. Thus, in many aspects, the effective theory on the brane behaves like massless Einstein gravity.




吉林大学理论物理学科由我国著名理论物理学家、中科院院士吴式枢教授亲手创建,是我国最早从事原子核理论研究的人才培养基地。学科依托于吉林大学理论物理中心,现有研究人员20余人,研究方向包括粒子物理与核物理理论、引力理论与弦理论、天体物理与宇宙学、凝聚态物理理论等研究方向。中心近三年从英国卢瑟福实验室、德国马克思普朗克研究所、日本名古屋大学、德国海德堡大学等世界知名学术研究机构引进青年人才6名,结合原有研究队伍形成了一支发展势头迅猛的理论物理研究力量,并且与世界知名学术研究机构的研究人员长期保持着联合发表文章、联合申请基金等实质性学术合作。理论物理中心平均每年在Phys. Rev及同等级杂志发表文章50-60篇,取得了一系列原创性成果,在理论物理国际舞台上崭露头角。

