报告题目:Advanced electrode and electrolyte materials for potassium ion batteries
报告人:Dr. Jianfeng Mao,University of Adelaide
报告时间:2022年3月18日 9:00
The development of advanced energy storage systems is urgent to transform our society into one based on renewable energy resources, in which rechargeable batteries are one of the most promising approaches but remains to be solved. In addition to the high capacity and efficiency, the low cost and the raw material abundance are also the key characteristics. Due to the low cost and abundant resources, K-ion batteries have been emerged as a promising low-cost system for large-scale energy storage. The formidable challenge is to develop suitable electrode materials and electrolytes for accommodating the relatively large size and high activity of potassium. In this talk, I will introduce our work on alloy-based anodes, manganese oxide cathode, and electrolytes for K-ion batteries, and will discuss the issues and opportunities for building better K-ion batteries.
Dr. Jianfeng Mao received his B.S., M. Eng, and Ph.D from Jilin University, Chinese Academy Sciences, and University of Wollongong, respectively. He has been working at the Max-Planck-Institute, University of Glasgow, University of Maryland, University of Wollongong, and the University of Adelaide. His research interests are in developing functional materials and electrolytes for next generation high-energy and large-scale batteries, and understanding their fundamentals of electrochemical processes in electrodes and at electrode/electrolyte interfaces. He has published over 70 articles in international refereed journals such as Journal of The American Chemical Society, Angewandte Chemie, Advanced Materials, Energy & Environmental Science, and Science Advances. These publications have received over 5,788 citations, giving an h index of 37 at Google Scholar (March 2022).
