报告题目:Recent puzzles in B-meson decays, quark-hadron duality and beyond the standard model
报告人:Hiroyuki Umeeda,中国科学院高能物理研究所博士后
Recently, it has been pointed out that some observed data in B-meson decay cannot be explained by the naive evaluation in the standard model. In particular, this kind of puzzles is indicated in,e.g.,B->X_u l\nu and B->DM(M is a light meson) decays. For obtaining theoretical insights on these issues, non-perturbative effects in QCD, as well as new physics (NP), are to be investigated in a comprehensive manner. In this work, inclusive B-meson decays are analyzed in view of the aforementioned puzzles. Specifically, quark-hadron duality, a tacit assumption in inclusive processes, is discussed for semi-leptonic decays. Furthermore, we also study inclusive non-leptonic decays of B-mesons assuming that the B->DM puzzle is resolved by NP. As a result, it is shown that the B-meson lifetimes impose a constraint on parameters of the QCD factorization and final state interactions, and thereby pinning down the NP scenario testable in future experiments.

2017年在日本广岛大学获得理学博士学位。2017年4月至2017年9月,在日本三好护理学校物理班做讲师。2017年4月至2017年7月,在广岛大学全球职业设计中心和科学研究生院做特别研究员。2017年8月至2018年7月,在日本岛根大学理工科研究生院做研究员。2018年8月至2022年11月,在中国台湾中央研究院物理研究所做博士后研究。2022年11月至今,在中国科学院高能物理研究所做博士后研究。是《Physics Letters B》杂志的审稿人。